Berikut adalah Perutusan Hari Kemerdekaan oleh YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak,Perdana Menteri Malaysia,pada 30 Ogos 2009 (Ahad),jam 9 malam dimana teks ini dipetik dari laman web 1Malaysia...layari kita mendapat keberkatan dari Allah diatas kurniaan yang diberikan..AMIN..
***Di bawah ialah teks perutusan Hari Kebangsaan yang saya sampaikan sempena 52 tahun Malaysia merdeka.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan salam 1Malaysia.
Tuan-tuan dan Puan-Puan,
1. Alhamdulillah, pertama sekali marilah kita semua mengucapkan rasa syukur ke hadrat Allah S.W.T justeru di atas rahmat dan limpah izinNya jua, esok sekali lagi kita akan menyambut hari kebangsaan kali ke-52 dengan tema 1Malaysia Rakyat Didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan salam 1Malaysia.
Tuan-tuan dan Puan-Puan,
1. Alhamdulillah, pertama sekali marilah kita semua mengucapkan rasa syukur ke hadrat Allah S.W.T justeru di atas rahmat dan limpah izinNya jua, esok sekali lagi kita akan menyambut hari kebangsaan kali ke-52 dengan tema 1Malaysia Rakyat Didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
2. Fifty two years ago, a group of national patriots led by YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-haj successfully gained this country its independence after nearly five centuries under colonial rule.
3. The post-independent period saw the task and responsibility of determining the direction of this great land once held by colonists pass into the hands of its native sons.
4. With a new government bearing limited administrative experience, amidst the still-unabated communist upheavals, a socio-economic imbalance grew and spread, reinforced by the multi-ethnicity of a young nation, hence many predicted a pending demise of Malaya.
5. Despite the predictions, we have proven the sceptics wrong. In the five decades of our independence we have emerged among the leaders of the developing nations. We became the first country in the world to defeat the communist uprising and brought social justice through a sense of equal ownership within a short period of a mere two generations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. What is this secret formula that drives our success? Certainly and undoubtedly, it is unity amongst our people of various ethnicity and beliefs, based upon a philosophy that celebrates diversity as a source of strength, rather than a point of discord that causes disunity.
7. Sadly, the passing of time has witnessed the bridge painstakingly built by our forefathers now shaken by certain quarters that attempt to disrupt the peace. They have exploited the fine lines that exist in a multi-ethnic society, be it political, religious or social in nature, to serve their own warped agenda.
8. At this crossroads, the biggest challenge facing Malaysians is to restore this bridge and demolish the walls that separate us. At its core, we must continue to manage success, building upon what we have achieved by cultivating the principles we have long nurtured. Let us remember that what we now enjoy might not become better, instead it could deteriorate if neglected. The proof is in the world’s history, where success poorly managed ends in failure.
9. It is true that success does not come easy. Hence, I must remind everyone especially the younger generation that the good fortune we enjoy today did not come without careful planning, efficient implementation and great sacrifice.
10. This success is the result of the great struggles, blood, sweat and tears of our heroes whether sung of or not. It was built by our ancestors. It was defended by our security forces who were ready to give up their lives. It was nurtured by scholars and educators who strove regularly in classrooms and lecture halls. It was enhanced by heroes of the private sector, corporate heroes, hawkers and small entrepreneurs who tirelessly worked for prosperity. Finally, it was catalysed by the dedicated public servants.
11. Clearly, the success and prosperity of Malaysia all this while grew and developed out of the contribution and support of people of all races, all religious beliefs, all walks of life, whether in rural or urban areas, whether the haves or have-nots, old or young. Therefore, I wish to reaffirm that every one of us is given equal opportunity under the Malaysian sky. The only barrier to our individual achievement is the will to succeed, the willingness to work hard, and the courage to take risks.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. Above all else, for over five decades Malaysia has faced numerous milestones. All of them were met for better or for worse with a united spirit.
13. Beginning from the bitter chapter of the Bintang Tiga brutality, the monumental need to create meaning to our independence which was gained without bloodshed, through socioeconomic bias, ethnic discord on 13 May ’69, the economic downturn of the 80s and the Asian economic crisis at the end of the 90s. All of these were confronted and all of these we survived. Clearly regardless of our achievements, we cannot afford to rest upon our laurels without striving for more success.
14. With that in mind, in order to ensure a better tomorrow the government has introduced more effective policies that will propel us forward towards becoming a developed nation. At the beginning of my administration I had initiated the 1Malaysia concept based upon the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara as the foundation for the government’s goals. We do not stop at setting a mission statement, instead we have constructed concrete initiatives. Starting with efforts to overhaul the public service delivery system, promoting the public welfare agenda as a government priority leads to efforts to stimulate the national economy so that continuous prosperity can be enjoyed by the country and its people.
15. In closing, let us reignite the spirit of patriotism by dedicating our efforts unequivocally in the name of 1Malaysia. Let us realise a more prosperous and peaceful future for all Malaysians. Let us ensure the hallowed banner of our Jalur Gemilang flies proud in the eyes of the world. Together, let us pray for this noble journey to continue, blessed and guided by God.
Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuh. Thank You.
2. Lima puluh dua tahun yang lalu, sekumpulan patriot negara yang diterajui oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-haj telah berjaya mencapai kemerdekaan negara setelah hampir lima kurun berada di bawah belenggu penjajahan. 3. The post-independent period saw the task and responsibility of determining the direction of this great land once held by colonists pass into the hands of its native sons.
4. With a new government bearing limited administrative experience, amidst the still-unabated communist upheavals, a socio-economic imbalance grew and spread, reinforced by the multi-ethnicity of a young nation, hence many predicted a pending demise of Malaya.
5. Despite the predictions, we have proven the sceptics wrong. In the five decades of our independence we have emerged among the leaders of the developing nations. We became the first country in the world to defeat the communist uprising and brought social justice through a sense of equal ownership within a short period of a mere two generations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. What is this secret formula that drives our success? Certainly and undoubtedly, it is unity amongst our people of various ethnicity and beliefs, based upon a philosophy that celebrates diversity as a source of strength, rather than a point of discord that causes disunity.
7. Sadly, the passing of time has witnessed the bridge painstakingly built by our forefathers now shaken by certain quarters that attempt to disrupt the peace. They have exploited the fine lines that exist in a multi-ethnic society, be it political, religious or social in nature, to serve their own warped agenda.
8. At this crossroads, the biggest challenge facing Malaysians is to restore this bridge and demolish the walls that separate us. At its core, we must continue to manage success, building upon what we have achieved by cultivating the principles we have long nurtured. Let us remember that what we now enjoy might not become better, instead it could deteriorate if neglected. The proof is in the world’s history, where success poorly managed ends in failure.
9. It is true that success does not come easy. Hence, I must remind everyone especially the younger generation that the good fortune we enjoy today did not come without careful planning, efficient implementation and great sacrifice.
10. This success is the result of the great struggles, blood, sweat and tears of our heroes whether sung of or not. It was built by our ancestors. It was defended by our security forces who were ready to give up their lives. It was nurtured by scholars and educators who strove regularly in classrooms and lecture halls. It was enhanced by heroes of the private sector, corporate heroes, hawkers and small entrepreneurs who tirelessly worked for prosperity. Finally, it was catalysed by the dedicated public servants.
11. Clearly, the success and prosperity of Malaysia all this while grew and developed out of the contribution and support of people of all races, all religious beliefs, all walks of life, whether in rural or urban areas, whether the haves or have-nots, old or young. Therefore, I wish to reaffirm that every one of us is given equal opportunity under the Malaysian sky. The only barrier to our individual achievement is the will to succeed, the willingness to work hard, and the courage to take risks.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. Above all else, for over five decades Malaysia has faced numerous milestones. All of them were met for better or for worse with a united spirit.
13. Beginning from the bitter chapter of the Bintang Tiga brutality, the monumental need to create meaning to our independence which was gained without bloodshed, through socioeconomic bias, ethnic discord on 13 May ’69, the economic downturn of the 80s and the Asian economic crisis at the end of the 90s. All of these were confronted and all of these we survived. Clearly regardless of our achievements, we cannot afford to rest upon our laurels without striving for more success.
14. With that in mind, in order to ensure a better tomorrow the government has introduced more effective policies that will propel us forward towards becoming a developed nation. At the beginning of my administration I had initiated the 1Malaysia concept based upon the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara as the foundation for the government’s goals. We do not stop at setting a mission statement, instead we have constructed concrete initiatives. Starting with efforts to overhaul the public service delivery system, promoting the public welfare agenda as a government priority leads to efforts to stimulate the national economy so that continuous prosperity can be enjoyed by the country and its people.
15. In closing, let us reignite the spirit of patriotism by dedicating our efforts unequivocally in the name of 1Malaysia. Let us realise a more prosperous and peaceful future for all Malaysians. Let us ensure the hallowed banner of our Jalur Gemilang flies proud in the eyes of the world. Together, let us pray for this noble journey to continue, blessed and guided by God.
Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuh. Thank You.
3. Pasca kemerdekaan kemudiannya menyaksikan tugas dan tanggungjawab untuk menentukan arah tuju tanah air yang satu ketika dahulu berada di dalam genggaman penjajah telah beralih ke tangan anak watan.
4. Dengan pengalaman berkerajaan sendiri begitu singkat, berlatar belakangkan pula pemberontakan komunis yang masih belum reda, wujudnya ketidakseimbangan sosioekonomi yang meluas di tambah lagi dengan sifat majmuk negara baru, maka banyak pihak kala itu yang meramalkan bahawa Malaya ibarat retak menanti belah dan tidak mungkin berjaya.
5. Namun begitu, kita telah membuktikan bahawa sangkaan tersebut meleset sama sekali. Di dalam tempoh lima dekad merdeka kita telah berjaya muncul sebagai negara membangun yang termaju. Kita telah menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang berjaya mengalahkan pemberontakan komunis di samping kita juga berjaya mewujudkan keadilan sosial dengan rasa kehakmilikan saksama hanya dalam tempoh masa amat singkat yakni dua generasi sahaja.
Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan,
6. Apakah formula rahsia yang telah mendasari kejayaan ini? Sesungguhnya, tidak lain dan tidak bukan, ia adalah faktor perpaduan di antara rakyat berbilang kaum dan kepercayaan yang berteraskan kepada falsafah meraikan kemajmukan yang wujud sebagai sumber kekuatan bukannya perkara titik bengik yang menyebabkan perpecahan.
7. Sayangnya , masa yang berguling telah menyaksikan jambatan dibina oleh bapa-bapa kita dahulu dengan segala susah payah telah mula digoyahkan oleh golongan tertentu yang cuba menangguk di air keruh. Mereka telah mengeksploitasikan garis-garis gelinciran yang wujud dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum sama ada ianya bersifat politik, agama mahupun sosial demi untuk memuaskan agenda sempit mereka.
8. Di persimpangan ini, cabaran terbesar rakyat Malaysia ialah untuk membaik pulih jambatan yang sedia ada di samping meruntuhkan tembok-tembok pemisah antara sesama kita. Pokoknya, kita perlu terus mengurus kejayaan, membina di atas apa yang ada dengan membajai dan menyuburkan kerukunan terpupuk selama ini. Beringatlah, apa yang ada tidak semestinya akan bertambah baik malah akan musnah jika kita tidak berwaspada. Buktinya, lipatan sejarah dunia sarat dengan catatan bahawa kejayaan yang tidak diurus dengan baik akan berakhir dengan kegagalan.
9. Benarlah kata orang, yang pipih tidak datang melayang, yang bulat tidak datang bergolek. Sehubungan itu, saya ingin berpesan kepada semua terutamanya generasi muda bahawa nikmat yang kita sedang kecapi hari ini tidak terhasil begitu sahaja tanpa perancangan yang rapi, pelaksanaan yang cekap dan pengorbanan yang tinggi.
10. Kejayaan ini hasil perjuangan, keringat, air mata dan darah para wira serta para wirawati negara sama ada yang di dendang atau pun tidak. Ia dibangunkan oleh pendahulu-pendahulu kita yang lampau. Ia dipertahankan oleh anggota pasukan keselamatan yang sanggup berkorban apa sahaja hatta nyawa. Ia disuburkan oleh para murabbi dan pendidik yang gigih berjuang di kelas-kelas dan bilik kuliah. Ia dimakmurkan oleh wira swasta, wira korporat, para penjaja, waima peniaga kecil yang gigih dengan semangat keusahawanan mereka mencipta kemakmuran. Tuntasnya, ia dilincirkan pula oleh para penjawat awam yang gigih berkhidmat.
11. Nyatanya, kejayaan dan kemakmuran Malaysia sepanjang ini tumbuh dan berkembang hasil sumbangan serta dokongan semua kaum, semua penganut kepercayaan, semua lapisan masyarakat, di desa mahupun di kota, yang berada ataupun tidak, tua atau muda. Kendati itulah, saya ingin tegaskan bahawa setiap seorang daripada kita mempunyai peluang yang terbentang di bawah langit Malaysia. Yang membataskan pencapaian masing-masing hanyalah kemahuan untuk berjaya, kesanggupan untuk bekerja keras dan keberanian untuk mengambil risiko.
Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan,
12. Di atas segala, sepanjang lebih lima dekad Malaysia telah melalui pelbagai detik dan panca peristiwa. Segalanya, dilalui penuh dengan suka duka, pahit manis dan jatuh bangun bersama dalam kemajmukan.
13. Bertitik tolak dari kepahitan mengharungi ganasnya Bintang Tiga, keperluan monumental mengisi erti kemerdekaan bitara yang dicapai tanpa pertumpahan darah, kepincangan sosioekonomi, keretakan hubungan kaum tanggal 13 Mei 69, kemelesetan ekonomi 80an dan krisis kewangan Asia hujung 90-an. Semuanya telah kita tempuhi dan semuanya telah kita redahi dengan jaya. Ternyata walau apa pun, harus diinsafi bahawa kita tidak mampu bernostalgia dengan kejayaan lalu tanpa berusaha mencipta kejayaan-kejayaan baru.
14. Lantaran itu, untuk menentukan hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini kerajaan telah pun memperkenalkan dasar-dasar yang lebih ampuh dan mampu menjulang kita menjadi sebuah negara yang maju. Sebermula pentadbiran saya telah diutarakan konsep 1Malaysia yang berpaksi kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara sebagai teras hala tuju matlamat kerajaan. Kita tidak berhenti setakat penyataan hasrat sebaliknya kita telah mengadakan prakarsa yang konkrit. Bermula dengan usaha merevolusi sistem penyampaian sektor awam, mengangkat agenda kesejahteraan rakyat sebagai keutamaan perdana membawa kepada usaha merangsang ekonomi negara agar kemakmuran akan terus merahmati rakyat dan negara.
15. Akhir kalam, ayuhlah kita suburkan semangat patriotisme yang membara dengan mendedikasikan usaha tanpa berbelah bahagi atas nama 1Malaysia. Marilah kita realisasikan masa depan yang lebih sejahtera dan makmur untuk semua rakyat Malaysia . Marilah kita pastikan panji keramat Jalur Gemilang berkibar megah di persada antarabangsa. Sama samalah berdoa agar perjalanan mulia ini terus diberkati dan diberi petunjukNya jua.
Sekian, Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuh
Rakyat Didahulukan,Pencapaian Diutamakan...